Monday, January 5, 2009

New York Times Education Frenzy

If you are invested in education like we are, you will be pleasantly warmed by the bounty of coverage that the New York Times today gives to education as an industry and as an investment strategy.

You can visit a link at the New York Times that is focused on improvements in the education industry: click link here.

The team at the Education Industry Investment Forum has pulled out some of the highlights of the section. We start with the section that looks at schools as powerhouses for innovation and entrepreneurial invention. Here are what we thought were the top three coolest gigs going:

1. Video Games for the Blind in Singapore
2. Gastronomic Chemistry for Middle Schools
3. Feud Sparks Contemplation of Future for G.R.E. and GMAT
4. Two-Year Commuter Colleges Building Residency Halls

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