Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New York City Education Investment Business Breakfast

We are going to be running a live Twitter feed at the Education Industry Investment Forum in New York City this morning. If you are investing in education and you have questions, you can ask them here, or on Twitter.

I am @Douglascrets on Twitter.

The agenda for the business breakfast can be found here at the Education Industry Investment Forum page.

Listen to these individuals speak about Education Investment

Daniel Pianko, Founder & CEO, The Noah Fund
Stephen Gilfus, Founder of Blackboard, President and CEO, Gilfus Education Group
Josh Schwartz, Managing Director, East Wind Advisors

Here are the questions I am going to ask:

Here are the questions that I want to ask:

1. Teacher development -- many people talk about creating better initiatives that benefit teachers by teaching them new models to enhance the value of their teaching and to improve the completion rates of public schools. In K12, are there any scalable models for teacher development? What can be done to make teacher development a profitable business and how is that done?

2. With all things being equal, and if anything is possible, at what point does K12 education become a feasible investment for a private investor or a public or private company? In other words, can each of you give your model for a highly profitable education system with all your favorite bells and whistles?

3. Are there any areas that are not exactly directly education-focused that seem like viable investment areas during Race to the Top fund allocation?

4. In Higher Ed, where should private investors put their money in the next one year to 18 months?

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