Friday, September 19, 2008

Digital Media and Learning Competition

Are you thinking of applying for the second annual Digital Media and Learning Competition?

HASTAC and the MacArthur Foundation held the first Digital Media and Learning Competition in 2007. A total of two million dollars was awarded to 17 projects representing compelling work in the field of Digital Media and Learning.

The second (2008) Competition similarly seeks to mobilize the field of Digital Media and Learning through a $2 million open call, supporting learning entrepreneurs, educators, communicators, and innovators. The Competition supports pioneers who use new technologies to envision the future of participatory learning.

The theme for this year’s Competition is Participatory Learning. Awards will be made in two categories: Innovation in Participatory Learning, and Young Innovators, a special category designed to promote the contributions of 18-25-year-old innovators to digital media and learning.

If so, we would like to talk to you.

Please contact Douglas Crets at dcrets [at] iirusa dot com.

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